Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Special Day

Fourteen years ago today I knelt across an altar in the Logan Temple and made a promise to love my sweet dh Joe for eternity. The power had gone out while we waited for our families to assemble, so we were married in the glow of flashlights. It was very romantic :)

Fourteen years later I am still in love with him. Happy Anniversary sweetheart!

We're spending four days up Logan Canyon, while our five kiddos get some quality time with grandma and grandpa. They'll be camping in grandma's backyard. I am looking forward to some fun time kayaking at Tony Grove, wandering around photographing the wildflowers and peering through binoculars at birds. And lots of quiet camp time with Joe! Oh, and those steaks that Joe has marinating... mmm... How blessed am I to have a dh that is a fantastic cook?

I'll be back in a few days, with lots of pictures that I will hopefully be able to post. Apparently Vista doesn't like to share over a network LOL

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with those you love! I know I will!


Merci-Notes said...

Happy Anniversary!
I would say five kids is a wonderful gift! I had hoped for 4 (My mom and dad had 6, the smallest of our relatives on my dad's side). I can not tell you how great it is to see a nice "large" family of four or more. :)
There is always fun around!

p.s. my Mom and Dad had a son then five girls... GIRLS! That would one day be teenagers! whew.

momofa2e said...

Can't wait to see the pics. And what a memorable story to tell. :)
Hope your vacation is even more fun than you hoped.